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Menopause Policy - Policy of the Month


The Menopause Policy is applicable to staff and clients both male and female. Family members may also want to familiarise themselves with this policy.

91% of our workforce at My Support Worker identify as female. Women between the ages of 45 and 54 alone make up 34% of our employees, and so two thirds of our workforce could be experiencing menopausal symptoms.

Six out of every 10 women experiencing menopausal symptoms say it has a negative impact on their work. With the right support, women do not need to press pause, struggle through, or leave their careers during this natural transition. Many women will continue to suffer in silence unless we break the taboo and start talking openly about the menopause at work.

Good menopause care has both direct and indirect impacts on workforce retention, productivity, presenteeism and absenteeism. Ensuring staff get the support they need is an important part of retaining experienced talent and skills. The right support would also reduce the impact of a person’s symptoms on their health and wellbeing, their effectiveness at work personal life and relationships.

The policy aims to educate staff and managers about the potential symptoms of the menopause and how they can support women at work.

It outlines the support and reasonable adjustments that can be put into place to support women at work.

Appendix 4, at the end of the document, directs to resources and organisations that can help.

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