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How Does My Support Worker Compare to the Northwest Region?

Skills for Care is the strategic workforce development and planning body for adult social care in England. They recently published their Annual State of Adult Social Care Report (see below for the link to the full report). The collection of this data allows for us to compare ourselves against the rest of the North West, to see if we need to work on particular areas of improvement and to identify strengths across the company.

From this data we can see:

• When compared, we are better in every category then the region as an average.

• As a company we have less vacancies than the region and less staff turnover, meaning we

have less positions to be recruiting for, people want to work for us and employees don’t want to leave us.

• Our workforce has grown more than the region’s.

• Our sickness rate is lower than the region’s.

• We have fewer zero hours contracts: we want to employ people for set hours to give them and our clients stability.

• We have more people holding a relevant ASC qualification.

• Our average rate of pay is much higher than the region’s average.

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